"desc": "Displays the axis icons in the viewing windows",
"date": "June 14 2002",
"author": "cdunde",
"author e-mail": "cdunde1@attbi.com",
"quark": "Version 6" }
import quarkx
import quarkpy.mapoptions
from quarkpy.maputils import *
from quarkpy.qhandles import *
# <tiglari>
# This snippet redefines the MakeScroller function in the qhandles
# module, eliminating the need for a new qhandles.py file.
# This attaches the item to the options menu; it's best for new
# facilities to redefine menus etc in the quarkpy modules rather
# than modify the files themselves because then if people don't
# like the effects of your plugin they can remove all of them by
# deleting one file. The toggle-item itself works fine.
# The prolixity of `quarkpy.mapoptions' could be reduced by using
# `import X from mapoptions' statements (without ""'s & #)as follows:
#""from quarkpy.mapoptions import *"" and
#""items.append(toggleitem("&Axis XYZ letter indicator in view windows",
#"AxisXYZ", (1,1),
# hint="|Display the X Y or Z indicator letter per view to associate #the rotation menu buttons. These are for reference only and are not #selectable with the mouse."))""
# But I don't think that would be worthwhile,
# so we'll just use the long version below insted:
quarkpy.mapoptions.items.append(quarkpy.mapoptions.toggleitem("&Axis XYZ letter indicator in view windows", "AxisXYZ", (1,1),
hint="|Axis XYZ letter indicator in view windows:\n\nThis display s the X Y or Z indicator letter per view to associate the rotation menu buttons. These are for reference only and are not selectable with the mouse.|intro.mapeditor.menu.html#optionsmenu"))
# Get the actual icons, no reason to do this more than once.
# Done by the loadimages function and the required augments.